The Null Device


The story of how Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange (set to be rereleased into UK cinemas this Friday) was withdrawn from the UK market. (The Times)


Scare 'em straight: Police and youth workers fake gory car accident to scare teenage joyriders. (via Weblog Nation)


Clutching at straws and looking for pretexts to ban pornographic videos, rural conservatives in the Australian government propose banning portrayals of unsafe sex.


Study shows that taxi drivers' brains expand as they work, to hold detailed maps of their territory. (BBC News)


What if places other than Kansas legislated on the teaching of evolution? (Skeptical Skoundrels)

Montana schools are forced to teach Evolution, but only as a piece of the One World Order conspiracy, designed to show that all men are descended from a common ancestor, while it is assuredly true that FBI and NTFB are cloned in CIA laboratories from the genteic material taken from the Kennedys.
Mississippi will teach what it always has, that evolution from a common ancestor of monkeys occured in Africa. While Europe was created by God.
French laugh at the whole idea of Creationsim. They also laugh at the idea of Darwinism. French move to adopt Lamarkism as part of the scientific cirriculum and regard the Evolution/Creationism argument as an American plot to undermine the intergrity of French intellectualism...


Grim tidings in new EFA Update, with Australia pondering a Digital Millennium-style iron-fist copyright bill.