The Null Device

I got 111 on the quirkyalone quiz, somewhat higher than Graham's result.

Firstly, I wonder how gender-specific the test is; one thing I've observed is that solitude is seen as more acceptable for men than women, because of some combination of culture/biology/patriarchal oppression/what have you. Therefore I wonder whether there may exist tendencies towards solitude which fall within the average for men but are considered unusual for women. Myself being male, my result may thus be skewed.

Having said that, it wouldn't be skewed by that much. I do like walking alone, tend towards solitary creative activities (music, reading, writing and such in my case) rather than socialising (I never understood nightclubs, for example), and have never fit into scenes, subcultures or cliques. Rather than having circles of friends, I have probability clouds of friends/acquaintances. I'm also rather skeptical about the whole courtship-ritual thing as being optimal for anything other than forming breeding pairs (I have decided that I don't intend to breed in the foreseeable future (I'd be a lousy father, for one), so it's not really a priority for me). I also don't particularly like sharing a house with other people, and would rather not have to smile and act nice to whatever strangers are in my living room through no action of my own. If I want to be amongst people, I'll catch a tram to Brunswick St. or something. I value my solitude (though not at all times, to be sure), and don't appreciate attempts to rid me of it, however well meant.

Of course, there are probably drugs on the market to cure my personality type and reduce people like me to well-adjusted Shiny Happy People, able to contentedly vegetate in front of the TV like a normal member of society, like a pig in a cage on antibiotics; no alarms and no surprises.

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