The Null Device

The Linux web browsing situation is looking slightly less dire, now that the KDE web browser Konqueror supports Windows ActiveX plug-ins. Well, some of them; Shockwave and Flash run, but Windows Media Player doesn't. Mind you, such plug-ins get full access to any filesystem WINE (the Windows-emulation layer) can see, which means that your files may be at the tender mercies of the proliferation of viruses, worms and spyware that infects the Windenburg world.

Perhaps someone should create a secure WINE library, which one can link to to provide Windows DLL loading and such for one's applications, and a specifiable subset of Windows API calls and access to the outside world (i.e., filesystems, networks). If we've got the WINE sandbox, we may as well use it to keep Bad Things from happening.

(via the Reg)

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