The Null Device

Wisdom's alternative to war

US vows to block weapons inspections in Iraq unless the UN passes a resolution authorising an invasion of Iraq.

Meanwhile Bush, who has apparently been studying the writings of Hassan al-Sabbah, has stated that the cost of one bullet in the back of the right head would be much cheaper than a war. Truly, a most exemplary show of grandmotherly kindness.

There are 5 comments on "Wisdom's alternative to war":

Posted by: GJW Thu Oct 3 00:32:35 2002

The interesting thing I heard today; if the US does what it threatens to and attacks Iraq without UN approval, Dubya will officially be a war criminal, for "Illegal use of force", meaning he'd better stay away from Belgium in the future, like Kissinger has to.

Posted by: Ben Thu Oct 3 03:48:46 2002

...except that it looks like the EU will roll over and let the yanks get a special exemption from the ICC.

Posted by: acb Thu Oct 3 09:15:01 2002

You'd be right. They just did, or rather member nations will and those who don't will use other laws to effectively avoid handing Americans over to the ICC. Looks like the ICC is all but dead, except as a victor's kangaroo court for trying our defeated enemies.

Posted by: alex Thu Oct 3 16:37:26 2002

A Jewish Indian (don't ask) at work last weekend assured me that a US invasion of Iraq would precipitate a religious WW3. If anyone wants me, I'll be sitting crouched in my Y2K bunker, rocking backwards and forwards singing softly to my Neostead shotgun. BUT WHAT SONG?

Posted by: acb Thu Oct 3 16:41:51 2002

There were Jewish Indians at the school I went to. There was even a Jewish Malaysian chap (who had considerably darker skin than most Malaysians, and looked more Indian). *shrug*