The Null Device

Mitchell Porter on 9/11

Prominent transhumanist, conspiratologist and compiler of High Weirdness by E-Mail Mitchell Porter has a theory on the September 11 terrorist attacks and Bush's war campaign. He rules out conspiracy theories about it being a way to enrich oil companies with control over Middle Eastern oil, seeing no evidence for that (and besides, it'd be too much of a risk). However, his theory holds that it's likely that Saddam Hussein was behind both terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, as well as the mailing of anthrax around the US. And there's not a thing Bush (who comes out looking somewhat implausibly noble of intentions) can do about it, because Iraq has him over a barrel. Which is why the real evidence against Iraq is suppressed by our leaders, who instead construct deliberately weak arguments about "preemptive strikes", as some sort of psychological game. Or something like that.

It sounds implausible, but is it implausible enough to be true?

There are 2 comments on "Mitchell Porter on 9/11":

Posted by: alex Wed Oct 16 14:15:25 2002

I've always felt the us economy was addicted to its 'defence' industry revenue. //and we all know what addicts are like.// I personally can't wait to see the centurion tanks in action, along with boeing's shiny new airborne laser.

o/` o/` I wanna be an Air-Borne Laser Wanna irradiate from long range-r I wanna pop nukes in mid-air! I wanna pop nukes in mid-air! o/` o/`

best. mouseovers. ever.

Oh, the Humanity.

Posted by: acb Wed Oct 16 15:57:44 2002

The US military-industrial complex is probably the world's biggest socialist command economy.