The Null Device

Happy Loyalty Day, citizen

From this year onward, May 1 is no longer May Day in the U.S.; it is Loyalty Day, when citizens demonstrate their loyalty to the State. You are a loyal citizen, aren't you?

(Maybe we'll soon see Loyalty Day military parades in Washington D.C. every May 1, with serried ranks of troops as far as the eye can see and trucks carrying cruise missiles, and so the U.S. will have taken one more step towards becoming the USSR.)

There are 3 comments on "Happy Loyalty Day, citizen":

Posted by: Lance Jonn Romanoff Sun May 4 21:25:54 2003

May 1 has been Loyalty Day officially since 1958.

Posted by: acb Mon May 5 04:50:21 2003

Loyalty Day's age, and its McCarthy-era origins, are showing. It is telling that it has been revived this year. (I'm fairly sure that Bush didn't proclaim it on May 1, 2001 (unless he knew something we didn't, that is), and that Clinton didn't proclaim it in his term.)

Posted by: Ben Mon May 5 08:49:00 2003

It's the Illuminati's Birthday!