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psychoceramics: Would you like to try drinking /my/ water?


This reminds me of the Benveniste palaver about homeopathy (the row
involving Nature and James Randi).  Spotted on alt.folklore.urban.

			  <forwards drowned>

| For a better understanding of the
| importance of water structure, let's take a look at an article in
| Health Science & Technology BULLETIN
| Vol. 486 Dec. 1994:
| Water plays a far greater part in our bodies' functioning than most of
| us realize. Our need for it is second only to our need for air. In
| fact, the average human body contains four to five quarts of water and
| approximately 10 trillion cells. Water is responsible for the
| nourishment and detoxification of these cells. It's vital for energy
| production, movement and thought. Research has proven that the cells
| require a certain type of water in order to communicate with each
| other."
| The water within our bodies that provides all of the cell's needs is
| called biowater. Biowater is not like tap water, rain or mineral
| water. It has a particular characteristic which allows it to pass
| freely through cell walls, delivering nutrients and removing toxins.
| It is clustered. Scientifically, that means the water molecules are
| held together in small bunches. Under a microscope, tap water has
| little definition.
| Water that has been treated by reverse-osmosis has a definite shape.
| Distilled water is yet again different in shape.
| Clustered distilled water takes on the look of a snowflake.
| The body functions by using chemicals. However, the trillions of cells
| in the body communicate with one another by sending and receiving
| electrical impulses. The transmitters and receivers are the water
| clusters within the cell.
| When we are young, there is an abundance of water molecules in our
| cells. Beyond that, the water molecules are clustered into small,
| highly mobile structures.
| As we age, the movement of water in and out of our cells slows down
| and water becomes bound within the cells. In addition, cell integrity
| can be compromised by poor diet, pollution, stress, alcohol and
| smoking, as well as continual attack from metabolic toxins known as
| free radicals. In other words, the bodies' "communication" system
| slows down. As a result, the cells no longer perform their critical
| metabolic functions efficiently and we begin to dehydrate.
| The study of cellular signal transduction has for years pointed to the
| need for a replacement of biowater as we age. 
| Nourishment with the Water of Your Youth
| The research of Dr. Lee Lorenzen has brought forth a process through
| which biowater can be re-created. Water can be clustered into the form
| our bodies need most.
| Aqua Resonance is water that has been clustered to improve metabolic
| efficiency and nutrient absorption back into the cells of the human
| body. Using sophisticated magnetic resonance, laser and ceramic
| technology, Dr. Lorenzen has succeeded in producing micro-clustered
| water with the same properties of youthful biowater. 
| Because of the clustering, the solution works electronically within
| the body -- not chemically so there are no toxic side effects. This
| electronic process is called cellular signal transduction.
| While its benefits can stand alone, Aqua Resonance is also highly
| effective in transporting nutrients. Aqua Resonance is safe, natural
| and 100% pure water. It is also concentrated so that only two
| tablespoons are needed per gallon of distilled water to make the
| mixture to its most effective level. The recommended dosage is two
| 8-to-12-ounce glasses of this mixture per day.
| [End of Article]
| I have been drinking Aqua Resonance for a few months, and I feel
| vital, alert, and energetic.
| Gilbert Ng, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
| email: g--@h--.super.net
| WWW homepage: http://www.hk.super.net/~gng/aqua.html

- --
Robin Stephenson.      (send email with subject `send pgp key' for pgp key)
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