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psychoceramics: The Natural Law Party

There recently was a federal election in Australia, and one of the
parties which fielded many candidates was named the Natural Law Party.
(Some of you will surely have heard of them.)  The pamphlet they handed 
out was a veritable piece of crackpot literature.


(Title page)


[ photo ]	"The best government is Nature's govern-
		 ment -- Natural Law -- which governs the
		 universe with perfect order and without a
		 With the support of Natural Law, we will 
		 create a perfect government that can satisfy

      [ deletia ]

        Don't lose this chance to create a 
     perfect government through Natural Law.

	on 2 March

"If you favour Natural Law, Natural Law will favour you."

[ addresses deleted ]
Internet address: http://www.vicnet.net.au/~NaturalLaw

And now some of their policies:

* Economy: All economic problems are basically problems of lack of 
creativity.  Natural Law Party government will enliven the infinite
creativity of Natural Law in the individual and the nation, creating
economic optimism, job growth, and a prosperous, recession-proof,
flourishing economy.

* Crime prevention:  Natural Law Party government will eliminate crime
by establishing A Group For A Government--a group of 7,000 Yogic Flyers--
to create coherence and harmony and relieve stress in national 
consciousness.  This will eliminate the basis of crime--stress in the 
individual and society.  Natural Law Party will introduce proven
rehabilitation programs that reduce recidivism and train offenders to
act spontaneously in accord with Natural Law. 

* Defence:  Natural Law Party government will create an invincible 
armour of positivity for the nation by establishing a Prevention Wing
of the military--a group of Yogic Flyers--whose daily drills will 
neutralise all negative tendencies coming from both inside and outside
the country and radiate peace and harmony to the world, nourishing
everyone and transforming any enemy into a friend.

In the centre of the last page is a diagram of a map of Australia 
surrounded by a pulsating red shield, which deflects arrows apparently
representing harmful influences.  In the centre is the text,
pamphlet are EEG diagrams showing "Maximum Coherence of Brain Functioning
during Yogic Flying", and mentioning the "Unified Field of Natural Law".
(One caption reads "Maximum Coherence when the body lifts up".)

a--@c--.monash.edu.au http://www.zikzak.net/~acb/  "AltaVista is my newsreader."