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psychoceramics: Grubor and Boursy

[Bruce Ediger]
> Over the last 2 or 3 months, John "DrG" Grubor and Steve Boursy have
> encouraged each other's neuroses to the point where they've created a new
> netiquette.
> Is there a term for this in Abnormal Psychology?  This can't be the
> only instance of such a thing.

Folie a deux, perhaps?

> Does this list have an explicit ban against Religious Kooks? 

I don't think it has any bans yet... It occurs to me that although
Religious Kooks may be the most numerous (or most obvious) at a street
level, the most numerous online may be Physics Kooks. Anyone who wants to 
see a zillion new theories of the universe need only read sci.physics 
without a killfile.
