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psychoceramics: Wha??

Found posted 3 times in news.admin.net-abuse.misc.  Is this some sort
of communication problem or is it just plain loony?

From: pepe <j--@m--.unizar.es>
Subject: About Splyglass Technology

IŽm very interested in software that posses Spyglass Technology. If
you are user of that technology, youŽll now why. Two o three days ago,
I was navigating, and causually, I found it: between then, thet are,
IBM, etc. I found one specially interesting document about Hydrogen
Orbital than lead my head to one preocupating state of mind.
        Please, anwser me.
        God save the Queen!

Nancy McNelly                                  "Ma in k'ati"
http://www.he.net/~nmcnelly/                 Gaspar Antonio Chi
Mayan hieroglyphics. virtual pyramid, & more