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psychoceramics: Get it before the lawyers do


An elaborate web site designed as a hitchhikeresque Temple of Hate 
dedicated to various USENET posters; in particular, to those who 
have "offended" one of various flamers and ranters.  Each victim
has their own profile page there, some with lengthy diatribes 
accusing them of being bullies, liars, forgers and closet homosexuals.
The pages are segregated into categories such as "False Scholars", "Censors",
"Usenet newsgroup creation Cabal", "Flaming queens", "Plug-pulling admins"
and such.  The "Yes-men" section is the largest, and seems to be a dump of 
people from the USENET newsgroup creation voting records, listing people 
who voted against the compiler's opinion. 

The pages come with a background on which the words "FECES" and "Turds" 
are crudely drawn, and contain cheesy clip-art and a link to a file
named "spit.wav", and have the definite characteristic of crackpot
literature.  Truly a labour of love, or rather a labour of hate.

Incidentally, while the page offers no contact information other than
"n--@m--.com", 'finger netscum@mindspring.com' reveals the 

  Login: netscum                          Name: Colin James
  No Plan.

 -- acb [listed as "pathological liar" and "forger"]

the big hand holds all of your favorite things 
and with a touch like glass starts to squeeze      http://www.zikzak.net/~acb/
you don't ask, why me,
you just sink to the floor, just sink to your knees. - the cure, _the big hand_