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psychoceramics: Fun with anagrams (fwd)

----- Forwarded message from Lenny Foner -----

  To: silent-t--@w--.std.com
  From: Lenny Foner <f--@m--.mit.edu>
  Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 20:01:16 -0500
  Subject: Fun with anagrams
  - - - Begin forwarded message - - -
  Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 19:51:06 -0500
  From: Alan Bawden <A--@l--.mit.edu>
  [ Some forwarding removed and/or clarified...  --Lewd Banana ]
  - ------- Begin -------
  Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 02:00:08 -0500 (EST)
  From: Greer Gilman <g--@h--.harvard.edu>
  Subject: but who was the eggman?
  Has anyone here seen the November issue of =Harper's=?  There's an excerpt
  from a new book by one Richard Wallace, a child psychotherapist (god help
  them), who proves ineluctably that Jack the Ripper was none other than
  Lewis Carroll.
  Like many of our sublimest loons, Wallace is obsessed--nay, besotted--with
  anagrams, rendering the first verse of "Jabberwocky" as:
           Bet I beat my glands til,
           With hand-sword I slay the evil gender.
           A slimey theme; borrow gloves,
           And masturbate the hog more!
  And there's more in this throbbing vein--much more--and all darkly encoded
  in the children's books.  Can this be coincidence? the doctor asks,
  trembling.  And strokes his beard. 
  Browsing the 'Net, I found the following demure reply:
    Dear Editor,
    We enjoyed Richard Wallace's revealing "Malice in Wonderland" reading from
    your November issue. It soon became clear to us, though, that the author
    was trying to hint at something...perhaps even unburden himself of a great
    weight.  He seemed obsessed with anagrams.  Could that be some kind of
    clue?  Sure enough, the very first paragraph of his article contains a
    grisly confession, thinly veiled in an anagram. 
    Rearranging the letters of:
        This is my story of Jack the Ripper, the man behind Britain's worst
        unsolved murders. It is a story that points to the unlikeliest of
        suspects: a man who wrote children's stories. That man is Charles
        Dodgson, better known as Lewis Carroll, author of such beloved books
        as Alice in Wonderland.
    we arrive at:
        The truth is this: I, Richard Wallace, stabbed and killed a muted
        Nicole Brown in cold blood, severing her throat with my trusty shiv's
        strokes. I set up Orenthal James Simpson, who is utterly innocent of
        this murder.
        P.S. I also wrote Shakespeare's sonnets, and a lot of Francis Bacon's
        works too.
    Painfully obvious once you spot it, isn't it?  Off with his head!
         Francis Heaney,
  	 New York, N.Y.
         Guy Jacobson
  	 Bridgewater, N.J.
  Grin.  Hope it's published.
  Gremlin Rage
  - ------- End -------
  - - - End forwarded message - - -
----- End of forwarded message from Lenny Foner -----

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