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psychoceramics: Tape Analysis

Title: Tape Analysis

Tape Analysis




Reverse Speech Session Work is a lengthy time-intensive process. This process consists of ten sessions in the office, as well as extensive out-of-office tape analysis, and trance preparation time. Tape analysis time can vary depending on the conversation. The fees quoted below assume ninety minute of recordings are made throughout the ten session process. This translates to roughly ten hours of analysis time. You will be charged extra for all additional tape time, so please keep your conversations to a minimum while the recorder is running. Sessions are usually held weekly. A brief description follows:

Session One: Discussion of issues and a 30-minute tape recording made. One hour in the office.
Session Two: Discussion of session transcript. Two hours in the office. No reversals needed.
Session Three: Pre-trance session. 15-minute recording only.
Sessions Four to Eight: Varies, but usually three trances and one 15-minute Monitor Tape.
Session Nine: There is a four-week break before this session. A 30-minute Post-Trance tape.
Session Ten: Post-Trance Discussion. One hour in the office.

For session work with a certified analyst: $350 first session, $150 each session thereafter.
To pay in advance for ten sessions: $1500.
Additional tape time: $125 each hour spent in analysis.

For session work with David John Oates: $500 first session, $250 each session thereafter.
To pay in advance for ten sessions: $2500
Additional tape time is billed at $200 an hour (analysis time)
Please book ahead for David. His time is limited.


A brief experience of the Reverse Speech process requires two visits to the office. In the first visit, you will be interviewed and a recording made. Your session transcript will be reviewed in the second visit.

Five-minute introduction tape and follow-up session: $100 each session.
Fifteen-minute tape and follow-up with certified analyst: $250 first session, $150 second session.


Tape analysis for investigative or legal work, employee selection etc. can also be sent to the office for analysis. This can be in the format of audio tape, computer WAV files or E-mail attachments. Contract tapes must have releases signed by all persons whose voices are recorded on the tape. The exception to this is for recordings made on the media and other "public domain" tapes.

Tape analysis is billed at $125 an hour for certified analysts and $200 an hour for David John Oates. A detailed transcript, session overview and tape recording of key reversals are supplied. Call for individual price quotations. The following prices can be used as a guide.

Full analysis of fifteen-minute conversational tape recording: $500 Cursory analysis and brief report of fifteen-minute media tape: $200 Comprehensive analysis of one-hour legal deposition including motive, evidence location etc. $2,000.



Please read and understand this pamphlet thoroughly. You are about to embark on the process of Metaphor Restructuring. This is a completely new and different approach to working with the human psyche and behavior. Nothing you have ever done before can prepare you for this, so we want to explain to you, step by step, exactly what you can expect.

For a start, we are not therapists. If you are coming to see us to gently discuss and work through your issues, you have come to the wrong place. That is not what we do, because we believe that that practice does not shift behavior. We contend that you cannot alter the unconscious mind effectively by engaging in dialogue with the conscious mind.

Our research with Reverse Speech has shown us that all behavior and thought processes are created unconsciously. They might have been programmed weeks, months and sometimes years before they ever entered the conscious realm. It’s sort of like the computer program running its instructions. You see the results on your monitor, which is the conscious world, but all that you see and hear is being processed in bits and bytes right down in the heart of the central processing unit. If you want to change the program running, you have to rewrite the CPU, not scribble on the screen.

That is what we do with Metaphor Restructuring. We rewrite the CPU. In point of fact, we want to turn the screen off and reboot the computer as precisely as possible, because the chatter can get in the way and ruin the process. This means that the procedure can be a little traumatic at times. It is not for the those who will not commit to the challenge, nor for those who need someone to hold their hand. Be assured, though, that our staff will support you as much as possible.

Reverse Speech is the unconscious mind speaking in pictures and imagery. These pictures constitute at least ninety-five percent of human thought. You have conscious access to less than five percent of those thought processes. One picture or metaphor can contain the emotional forces to run an entire series of programs. It might have been imbedded into the psyche since birth and it might be running your entire world. This picture, or metaphor, can determine your conscious thoughts and it can also determine your emotional state. Once we begin to access these pictures with Reverse Speech, your thoughts and emotions can be greatly stimulated.

It is highly likely that the problem you have come to see us for is also affecting many areas of your life. It’s a little like a vertebra at the base of the neck being out of alignment. One misplaced vertebra twists your entire back which sends ripples of pain throughout your whole body. If someone were to suddenly touch and shift that one vertebra which is the pivotal point of all your pain, it would create a major shock in your system. It might even shut it down and make the pain worse as the other parts that have been out of alignment for a long time then would have no choice but to shift back into their correct places.

This is what will happen when you start working with Reverse Speech, except that the pain you might experience will be emotional and spiritual. It may even become physical as the shift in the unconscious begins to affect your physical body. If it is a particularly difficult metaphor, the shift will even affect your thought processes and perceptions. This can be most unsettling in the initial stages of work when changes can be intense. It is essential to complete the process once you have started, because the initial ripples of discomfort will pass as the process continues.

You are about to have a psychic earthquake with this process and we are not joking! If you do not want to experience this, then do not start working with Reverse Speech. If you do start, you must agree to complete the entire process. Having stated all those caveats, let us tell you what is going to happen:

Through a series of hypnotic trances, the building blocks of the psyche are altered so that the deep psyche itself can be healed and become congruent with the real Self. The result of this is usually a long-lasting change or transformation in the areas for which the work was performed.

The unpleasant or upsetting experiences that may arise need to be dealt with emotionally, mentally and also spiritually. Some clients may choose to continue advanced session work to deal with other life issues that arise. However, there needs to be at least a one-month break between starting advanced work and the end of your first series.

Step One: You will see an Analyst for an initial 30-minute recording. The discussion will center around who you are and the nature and history of your problems. During the following week, the analyst will analyze this tape privately for speech reversals and prepare a comprehensive transcript. This analysis process takes about five hours.

Step Two: You will return for a two-hour, in-depth discussion of your Reverse Speech transcript. This session will reveal the precise nature of, and reasons for, your undesirable patterns. Some of your speech reversals will be played for you and areas needing change will be discussed. At this session, you will receive a copy of your session transcript and a copy of the discussion that day. This interview may leave you feeling somewhat unsettled as you come face-to-face with the mirrored reflection of your Self.

Step Three: You will see the analyst for a fifteen-minute recorded interview. We will discuss your reactions to the session and the analyst will ask you to discuss ways in which this pattern could be altered. These questions will produce reversals from the unconscious which will give us instructions for change. The analyst will analyze this transcript privately and you will not see these speech reversals. Reversals from this tape are used to map out trances.

Step Four to Eight: These sessions will include a combination of trances and follow-up monitor tapes that track your progress. Together they are designed to re-write the unconscious mind. You can expect this period to be disorientating. You may experience some initial relief, but the real changes will not become evident for approximately two months. This is a long-term behavioral shift that will continue to unfold for several months and years. You may be drowsy and slightly disorientated after these trances, so plan to keep post-trance activities to a minimum for a few hours.

Step Nine: You will return again in three to four weeks after the last trance. We will make a fifteen-minute tape to assess the extent of change.

Step Ten: We will discuss the reversals found on the last tape and determine if any further work is necessary. You will also receive a copy of this transcript which you can compare to the first session to assess the changes within yourself.

Reverse Speech Enterprises Inc.,
P.O. Box 1037 Bonsall, CA 92003-1037
Phone: 619.732.3097 Fax: 619.732.3097
Email: r--@4--.com Internet: http://www.reversespeech.com

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