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psychoceramics: Of Biological Warfare, Antisemitism, and Aphrodisiacs

A conspiracy/paranoid kook site which has recently been brought 
to my attention:


 -- acb


  Of Biological Warfare, Antisemitism, and Aphrodisiacs
  	.	.	.	.	.	.
  I am the victim of a new kind of crime. A high tech crime. People should
  know about it before there are more victims.
  Therefore I have seized on the Internet as a way of getting the word
  out. The implications of the story I relate here are explosive. 
  To make some sense of the following story, assume that I have a shameful
  past, and that I have antagonized some people, some of them very nasty 
  people. Assume that I have done things I should not have done. Assume 
  that I engaged in truly embarrassing and disgusting behavior, and that 
  this behavior was exposed. Assume that the people who learned about this 
  called me all sorts of names as a result. The names included "Pig", 
  "Swine", "Disgusting", "Obscene", and politically incorrect names such 
  as "Jew", and "The Hebe". I was spat at, and told how disgusting I was, 
  and so forth.  Assume further that this negative reaction reached the 
  heights of group hysteria. Thats pretty unbelievable, especially in 
  the U.S of A, but hold on to your seats, because it gets even more far out. 
  The Story:
  One day, toward the end of 1994, I came home after work, read a little,
  opened the windows and went to sleep. Next morning I was feeling good, 
  healthy and ready to take on the day. I went to the fridge. I pulled out 
  a half empty bottle of Poland Spring water. Then I drank the water.
  Immediately all hell broke loose in my body:
  I felt like I was on an electric chair.
  I felt like banging the walls.
  I felt like running around outside in circles like a mad dog.
  and yet another symptom developed rapidly, this the most incredible of
  all - my sex drive climbed and climbed and climbed beyond anything I had
  experienced in my life.  And then it climbed some more. 
  I threw out the rest of the water. This was stupid.