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Re: psychoceramics: transhumanism

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Nikolai Kingsley wrote:

> > P.S. Me should be commenting on kooks, being into transhumanism, cryonics
> > (the uploading branch), and all.
> if you want to see transhumanism in action, check out the piercing people
> at any goth nightclub.
> :)
> nikolai
That reminds me of a short fiction I read once in Omni.  I believe it was 
called "The Dancefloor."  For some reason, it's stuck with me for years, 
and if any of you have read it/know who the author is, PLEASE tell me, as 
I can't for the life of me find that copy of it.  It was about a 
futuristic "rumble," situated in an old warehouse with swinging grids of 
steel on which the gangs would dance and stomp and jump on in some 
beautifully awful fight.  One of the fighting sides had their heads 
almost rebuilt as doberman heads, with sharp, shiny steel teeth.  I don't 
remmeber the particulars about the other gang, but, in this society, 
weapons had been banned, so the people made weapons out of their 
anatomies.  Dashing good time, I'd say!

Fenderson Sillyfuck the Third, Second Commander Not in Charge,
AKA sillyhead