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psychoceramics: More hate kooks on the Web

Rev. Fred "THANK GOD FOR AIDS" Phelps, the zealot best known for
picketing funerals of AIDS victims and such, appears to now have 
a web site.


I kid you not.

At the front page, one is greeted with a red ribbon with "FAG IDOL" 
around it and stick figures illustrating the mechanics of the sin 
of sodomy).  Further on the site is a table denouncing various 
"Fag Churches", including the Roman Catholic Church, Presbytarian
USA, the Jewish Reform and Conservative Movements and various
others, for permitting "fags" to be members, ministers or married.

Another page includes images of flyers with titles such as 
"EASTER IS PAGAN IDOLATRY" and "Fag ABC Supports Dyke Whores".
There are also sound files, but I haven't looked at those yet.

 Andrew C. /Bul+hac?k/  Design hacker, WWW Development Group, Monash University