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Re:psychoceramics: the tibetan roots of the third reich

On Tue, 22 Jul 1997, Samantha Fleming wrote:

}>>> Mitchell Porter <m--@t--.com.au> 22/07/97 :0431 >>>
}A new twist on "the occult roots of Nazism":
}  One of the most tangible expressions of Nazi interest in Tibet 
}  was the party`s adoption of its deepest and most mystical of 
}  symbols - the swastika. 
}--As far as I'm aware, the swastika was actually of scandinavian origin, and i
}its meaning revolves around the heat and power of the sun. Tibet is certainly }a new twist.

The swastika is also used in India at least...in "Comet" Carl Sagan mentions
seeing Indian villagers somewhere cheerfully chalking swastikas on their
houses for some festival.  I don't know if there's a connection, but Hitler
did call himself an "Aryan."  The Aryans are the people who invaded India.
