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psychoceramics: Tract Typography on web

Here's a classical "tract typography" example that actually lives
on the web:


This is the "USCCCN's Castration Home Page".

I was hoping for some really exotic and sick stuff about modern-day
crazoid ascetics, but instead I get treated to an amazing translit-
eration of tract typography to the web.  All of the symptoms are
there: Creative Capitalization, "ODD" Quotes, multiple "typefaces"
and "sizes" of typefaces... Inappropriate Ellipsises... Everything A
Track-kook Has Ever Thought Of.  There's even a typographical excess
that track-kooks can't really duplicate.  The background of the page
is black, but the unfollowed-link-color is dark blue.  Lack of contrast
renders those unfollowed links unreadable.

Beyond the execrable typography, the theme of the page is that
we (the USA) should be castrating certain classes (that may encompass
the majority) of criminals.  Interestingly, "vampires" are listed
as sexual criminals.

Dr. Frederic Wertham is cited as an authority, which is sort of in
character with the whole tract.  It appears to have been transplanted
from about 1927.