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Re: psychoceramics: Fighting back...

The post did mention Tokyo subway trains, so this really is on topic...
Subject:      Re: Tokyo Groping
From:         "Peter Zohrab" <zohrab @ ihug.co.nz>
Date:         1997/10/09
Message-ID:   <61glve$bva$1--@d--.ihug.co.nz>
Newsgroups:   soc.men,alt.feminism

>According to the Associated Press, October 3,
>1997, Tokyo police are considering women-only
>rail cars to protect female riders from groping by
>males on crowded trains and subways.

I don't know what a "crowded train" means where you live, but in Japan, at
rush hour, the rail officials routinely have to push people in, because they
are packed like sardines.

In that sort of situation, since men are the ones who have the role of
making the physical approaches to women, it would have to very hard for men,
pushed up against attractive women for maybe hours on end to resist the
temptation to grope occasionally.  That's only human (male).

It's typical of a Feminist to criticise men for not being more like women.
In fact, most Feminists seem to think that the goal of men should be to
become as much like women as possible.

If men did not grope, (heterosexual) relationships would never even get off
the ground.  So it is unfair to criticise this necessary male behaviour when
it takes place in a very unnatural situation (over-crowded trains).

I think it's about time the law started penalising typical female
behaviours, rather then just the purely male types of behaviours.  The Law
is very sexist in that way, and it's about time the law was restructured in
order to end up with approximately equal numbers of men and women in jails.

Peter Zohrab.
As usual with Mr. Z, it is easy for the uninitiated to assume the humor is
intentional, but if you follow his posts often enough, you will realize he
is in earnest.

	David Fleck			(k--@n--.com)