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psychoceramics: Wanted: Alien Ass

    I have a $50,000 bounty waiting for the first person to
bring me an alien anus, or any other part proven to be from
an alien body. $250,000 for an alien head. The award for a
whole alien body, dead or alive will be $1,000,000
    It's time to turn this thing around. Let's stop being
wimps and react like pioneer Americans would have to a
threat from a strange culture. If you live in the country,
purposely take the most secluded road to your home. If the
possibility presents itself to run an alien down with your
car, DO IT, before they can affect the ignition of your
engine, and you become their victim. Do unto them BEFORE
they can do unto you. Take the initiative.
    If these apparently living things come from other
dimensions, outer space, or both, or if they are the results
of our own government's gene spliced biological entity
research to develop pilots that "appear to come from outer
space" to "fly" our advanced newly developed flying machines
at Dreamland and Area 51, we will know very quickly as soon
as those body parts start coming into our laboratories fortesting.
    It's time to get off our duffs, and start actively
LOOKING for these elusive amoral little jerks with big eyes.
BTW, I'll give $100,000 for ONE ALIEN EYE.
    This is an effort to remind the American people of
values that used to exist when this country was young.
Pioneer men were tough and pioneer women were strong. They
didn't take the media's word for ANYTHING, there wasn't much
of the disinforming type media available. If a stranger came
to town and spread a bunch of lies and admitted that he had
misled one of our neighbors, we used to "tar and feather"
him and run him out of town. Now what do we do? We let the
guy get up and make speeches and get money for it! My how we
have changed. If the pioneers were put upon by a strange
phenomenon (one they didn't understand), they banded
together and fought against the enemy. Look what we did tothe Indians!
    If my theory is correct, offers of money will give
people the gumption to take the initiative, so be it. I
fully expect to be able to take some kids to the ZOO to see
varied examples of the different types of aliens, with signs
over their cages explaining where in the Universe they came
from. Dont delay, and when you have a sample, contact my
company, Planet Com, Box 33, Mountain Center, CA 92561
Phone 818-569-3072 Copyright 1989 Planet Com All Rights Released
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