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psychoceramics: [CTRL] ALERT:: World Wide ARTIFICIAL oxygen crisis imminent!

Forwarded, gasping for breath...

>X-Originating-IP: []
>Date:         Wed, 4 Feb 1998 07:41:33 PST
>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <CTRL--@L--ISTSERV.AOL.COM>
>Sender: Conspiracy Theory Research List <CTRL--@L--ISTSERV.AOL.COM>
>From: Richard Mallinson <r--@H--OTMAIL.COM>
>Subject:      [CTRL] ALERT:: World Wide ARTIFICIAL oxygen crisis imminent!
>Status: U
>In late 1998 or early 1999 there will be a cataclysmic event which will
>result in much of the earth's atmosphere becoming unbreathable because
>of lack of oxygen.  This will be blamed on a comet striking the earth's
>atmosphere or on nuclear weapons detonated by rogue terrorist states.
>Companies will appear which will distribute breathable oxygen at a
>This event will be DELIBERATELY caused by a new weapon developed by the
>SHADOW GOVERNMENT in its vast unaccountable Black Budget.  This weapon
>is a device which when detonated in several world locations will cause
>most of the oxygen in the atmosphere to be destroyed or neutralized over
>a period of several months.  The weapon will be detonated mostly in the
>third world, to give a cover for the cartel to "notice" the "natural
>disaster" and come to the rescue.
>In reality the cartel is BEHIND the coming crisis.  This crisis is being
>SCIENTIFICALLY ENGINEERED, just as the CFR/Illuminati Money Power
>engineered the banking crash of 1929.  The world wide oxygen cartel is
>composed of various world economic and political leaders, including the
>Rockerfellers, the House of Rothschild, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, the
>British and Dutch royalty (the Dutch royal family
>are instrumental in the Bilderberger world power cartel), and the
>Tavistock-style British Zionist complex founded by one-world socialist
>Cecil Rhodes.  It is founded along Illuminist lines as specified by Adam
>Weishaupt, the occult founder of the Illuminati, which spawned both
>Communism and World Capitalism.
>In the months before the detonation of the devices the cartel will run
>stories in the newsmedia about "pollution" and oxygen depletion,
>preparing the public for the crisis.  After the devices have been
>detonated and when the world oxygen supply is dwindling, companies will
>appear selling oxygen masks and oxygen-enriched air, which will be
>necessary for survival over a prolonged period of time.  These companies
>will ALL be controlled by the cartel in the same way that De Beers
>controls the supply of diamonds worldwide.
>Large parts of the third world will be depopulated by not providing
>oxygen facilities and by preventing the local people from building their
>own.  This will accelerate the existing "GLOBAL 2000" program of world
>population reduction, and open up large parts of Africa and Asia for
>resource exploitation. In North America and Western Europe, the oxygen
>cartel front companies will begin selling oxygen and air oxygenating
>machinery to people and institutions.  Oxygen rationing will be
>implemented because of a deliberate underproduction of oxygen.  This
>will serve to reinforce the world shadow government's grip, as the
>companies will be able to deny oxygen to dissidents and those who oppose
>the cartel members' interests, or even for stragegic reasons (to
>depopulate certain areas, or even to produce brain-stunted castes of
>low-intelligence workers and soldiers).
>Reproduce this information widely, for your only hope of survival.
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