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psychoceramics: You have been warned....

>From:         Richard Mallinson <r--@H--OTMAIL.COM>
>Subject:      [CTRL] ALERT:: World Wide ARTIFICIAL oxygen crisis 
>To:           CTRL--@L--ISTSERV.AOL.COM
>In late 1998 or early 1999 there will be a cataclysmic event which will 
result in much of the earth's atmosphere becoming unbreathable because 
of lack of oxygen.  This will be blamed on a comet striking the earth's 
atmosphere or on nuclear weapons detonated by rogue terrorist states.
>Companies will appear which will distribute breathable oxygen at a
>This event will be DELIBERATELY caused by a new weapon developed by the 
SHADOW GOVERNMENT in its vast unaccountable Black Budget.  This weapon 
is a device which when detonated in several world locations will cause 
most of the oxygen in the atmosphere to be destroyed or neutralized over 
a period of several months.  The weapon will be detonated mostly in the 
third world, to give a cover for the cartel to "notice" the "natural 
disaster" and come to the rescue.
>In reality the cartel is BEHIND the coming crisis.  This crisis is 
being SCIENTIFICALLY ENGINEERED, just as the CFR/Illuminati Money Power 
engineered the banking crash of 1929.  The world wide oxygen cartel is 
composed of various world economic and political leaders, including the 
Rockerfellers, the House of Rothschild, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, the 
British and Dutch royalty (the Dutch royal family
>are instrumental in the Bilderberger world power cartel), and the
>Tavistock-style British Zionist complex founded by one-world socialist 
Cecil Rhodes.  It is founded along Illuminist lines as specified by Adam 
Weishaupt, the occult founder of the Illuminati, which spawned both 
Communism and World Capitalism.
>In the months before the detonation of the devices the cartel will run 
stories in the newsmedia about "pollution" and oxygen depletion,
>preparing the public for the crisis.  After the devices have been
>detonated and when the world oxygen supply is dwindling, companies will 
appear selling oxygen masks and oxygen-enriched air, which will be 
necessary for survival over a prolonged period of time.  These companies 
will ALL be controlled by the cartel in the same way that De Beers 
controls the supply of diamonds worldwide.
>Large parts of the third world will be depopulated by not providing
>oxygen facilities and by preventing the local people from building 
their own.  This will accelerate the existing "GLOBAL 2000" program of 
world population reduction, and open up large parts of Africa and Asia 
for resource exploitation. In North America and Western Europe, the 
oxygen cartel front companies will begin selling oxygen and air 
oxygenating machinery to people and institutions.  Oxygen rationing will 
be implemented because of a deliberate underproduction of oxygen.  This 
will serve to reinforce the world shadow government's grip, as the 
companies will be able to deny oxygen to dissidents and those who oppose 
the cartel members' interests, or even for stragegic reasons (to 
depopulate certain areas, or even to produce brain-stunted castes of 
low-intelligence workers and soldiers).
>Reproduce this information widely, for your only hope of survival.

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