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psychoceramics: godhatesfags.com goes to Iraq

It looks like everybody's favourite foaming-at-the-mouth homophobes
are catching a flight to Iraq, to protest against "the Sodomite takeover
of the United States".


"Westboro Baptist Church plans another picketing (preaching) mission
 in religious protest against Clinton's sodomite policies -- this time
 sending 30 church members to the streets of Baghdad with colorful,
 state-of-the-art signs.  Pastor Fred Phelps will lead the way,
 departing from Chicago's O'Hare International Feb. 19 via Royal
 Jordanian Air, arriving in Baghdad Feb. 21"

"I have spoken to one cat, and to many.  And wherever I have gone,   www.zikzak
 my message is the same...  Dream it!  Dream the world. Not this     .net/~acb/
 pallid shadow of reality.  Dream the world the way it truly is."
		-- Neil Gaiman, _Dream of a Thousand Cats_