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RE: psychoceramics: Thule Foundation

I think www.thule.org is really greencafe.com, a host that handles a
bunch of virtualhosts and gives you a different site depending on how
you access it.

When I use Netscape 4 or lynx 2.7, I get the psychoceramic
Aryans-crashed-in-a-UFO-and-evolution-is-a-lie stuff.
When I use something older like Internet Exploiter 2, I get 
When I telnet to the http port, I get 

You can get different documents by adding a Host: header when you telnet.

To get the Thule Aryans:

telnet www.thule.org 80
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: www.thule.org
<blank line>

To get the greencafe music:

telnet www.thule.org 80
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: greencafe.com
<blank line>

and so on.  So maybe older browsers are not sending the right Host:
header that it wants, and not getting the right site.
I don't think the Thules are smart enough to set up something
like this deliberately.