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psychoceramics: Prosperity in Christ...

And now a spam in the classic televangelist tradition, urging you
to show your faith in Jesus by sending money to his self-appointed

 -- acb

-----Forwarded message from WorldC--@P--Ministry.Org-----

Date: Sun, 8 Mar 1998 01:30:30 +1100
Message-Id: <199803071430.BAA--@b--.cs.monash.edu.au>
To: A--@b--.cs.monash.edu.au, Christians@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au
Subject:  An Invitation

Worldwide Call To All Christians:

This is an invitation to become a Partner In Christ. 

 Prosperity Thru Christ Ministry invites you to become a Partner In Christ and
enjoy greater prosperity through the promises of God through Jesus Christ.
Thru Christ, "all things are possible". Start right now trusting in this
wonderful, unfailing promise and watch your dreams come true.   

Jesus promised "Anything you ask in my name I will do."  (John 14:14) 
His  word is never broken.  His promises must be fulfilled.

Act now. Become a Partner In Christ today. Write us today. Every request
will be prayed for. We also ask for your words of encouragement. By helping
this ministry you will be helping us reach millions of people in need of Christ

As a Partner In Christ, you receive a beautifully engraved Partnership
certificate, which attest to your partnership with Christ. You will also receive
a letter outlining our exciting plans to spread the Word all over the world, and
how you can play a vital role in this exploding ministry.  

If you are able to make a contribution, please do so. It will be one of the best
decisions of your life.  We welcome your prayers, your talents and your gifts.
Your commitment to Christ makes you a part of a wonderful ministry,
bringing new hope to people all over the world, through the promises of Jesus

A contribution of $100 or more places your name on our list of Senior
Partners In Christ and opens a special place for you in this Ministry. 

Send cash, money orders or checks to: 

Prosperity Thru Christ Ministry
Post Office Box 54095
Atlanta, Georgia 30308 

Yours in Christ,

Prosperity Through Christ Ministry                                                                                                                                            


Thank you for taking the time to read this important message. Please forgive
any intrusion. We sincerely hope this letter and its means of communication
has not caused you too much inconvenience. This is a one time opportunity.
Please respond to it generously.  

-----End of forwarded message-----

 Andrew C. /Bul+hac?k/  
       Postgraduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, Monash University
       Web designer and macro hacker, Webmaster's Office, Monash University