A place where I work recently received several email messages from one Helen Duggin, who claimed to be the victim of US Government electromagnetic weapons research. These messages contained Microsoft Publisher documents detailing her persecution, along with instructions to distribute them further. The text of the first three documents is below. of

(Thanks to Pope Dubious Provenance for converting the documents to ASCII.)

All graphics have been omitted, as they were standard clip-art. Newsletter #1 contained art of two dancers, #2 contained art of some sort of chemical bond, in sticks-and-globes style. I've made no changes to the text, short of extracting it from MS Publisher and identifying sections.
hades@elsewhere.org, June 12, 1997

Introduction, of sorts
Unknown file name


Phone/FAx 03 57905248 & Email emilysprings@cwi.net.au

I am fifty three years of age.  Divorced ; the mother of three grown
children and several grandchildren.  A tennis player and sometime
golfer, but mostly a writer and a gardener.  My other passions are
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and my home "Emilysprings".  I live on
three acres of land bordered on two sides by a continually flowing
creek.  I live with the sound of life in my ears.

I earn a living as an experienced Teacher of the Deaf.  I am also a
high functioning psychic who has been the victim and a fascinating
subject for study of the US electronic weaponry developers for the
past twelve years.  The major shareholders in this experimentation
being Companies not known to myself, but initiated by the CIA -
Central Intelligence Agency and the US Armed Defence Forces, mostly
Army, but some Air Force and Navy too.  The Marines, being a separate
entity, to the other three definitely contributed personnel to this
program of torment and harassment which amounted to atttempted murder.

Three years ago I began a campaign to bring my problem out into the
open.  This was when my son was physically attacked, given drugs and
questioned about his family.  I had tried the UN, and other Government
and T.

ertiary agencies at the initiation and continuation of the attacks.  I
received only brief replies from the present :Prime Minister, Bob

So I began to write to the Media and Politicians.  The media has
investigated what it could and used programming to impart information
relevant to my situation.  No direct contact has been made with me by
anyone in Media.  Only one Politician has spoken to me re my problem
and that was my local member Lou Lieberman.

I wrote to Mr Lieberman who investigated my situation.  He enquired on
my behalf.  He then rang me and told me "IThe Americans are no longer
interested in you.  You are no longer part of their experimentation
program"> I replied that the situation had not altered.  He replied
"You will just have to be patient and wait!"  That was June 1996.

After that I was then passed to the US Armed Forces for further
harassment.  No doubt as a type of punishment for writing to the media
and talking to Politicians about my situation.  And so it continues to
this day.

Alexander Downer acknowledged my plight about the same time as I
contacted Mr Lieberman.  However, just after these two encounters it
was annouced that a Code D was a necessary classification in some
cases to ensure National Security was upheld.

So here I exist under the shroud of the US Army doing whatever they
want with their electronics which has been described in an article iI
discovered on the Internet, as "Covert Electronic Weaponry."  No one
in Australia or anywhere else can do anything about the use of human
beings in a situation of covert weaponry experimentation.  Except by
individuals exerting pressure on Governments by "knowing" and

Some newspapers ie. The Age, Melbourne and the Sun Herald, Melbourne,
Australia have acknowledged my material and my plight but are unable
to publish any of my writings because of the Code D Rating.  One other
Politician has acknowledged my contributions and my plight.  Kim
Beasley the leader of the Opposition ihere in Australia.  The only
Prime Minister to acknowledge my problem has been Bob Hawke.

If you have any information that would help me. Please send it to my
Email address or my phone/fax. I ask that you send this letter on to
other Email /Fax Sites.  Verification can be found by looking in Human
Experimentation Web Site

I am still writing my Bulletins to the Aussie Media and Politicians.
Please help by sending them on to people you think would be
interested. . iT would continue to build the group of people concerned
about personal security within Nations that profess to care for the
people within their borders whilst continuing to develop weaponry
which is described in the US as "Microwave harassment and Mind-Control
Experimentation".  As well as the incidious nature of this weaponry
there is a disregard for Human Rights in using private citizens for
experimentation without their permission and causing great harm and
discomfort to them both physically and psychologically.

All this is covered-up in the name of "National Security".

Helen Treloar-Duggin

Newlsetter #1
File Name: "A Beginning.PUB"
"emilysprings" australia
May 25, 1997
volume 1 , issue 1

A song to think on "Smile, even though your crying!"
Email address:  emilysprings@cwi.net.au


I am preparing this Newsletter as the beginning and the end of a three
plus year campaign to end my torment by the United States of America's
agencies.  NASA was involved until recently, but still allows use of
its equipment.  US Army and CIA.  These are the three I know for

My situation has been unique in that I am a high-functioning psychic
and so had some unique qualities which the U.S. wanted to explore.
They explored initially back in 1984/1985 until satisfied I should
leave this life I value so much.  They attacked.  I was terrified out
of my mind.  I collapsed and was admitted to hospital.  In hospital I
was more terrified of the hospital than the attacks.  The unseen enemy
had ceased to be the danger.  Whilst in hospital the testing of
auditory input directly into the skull of patients was carried.  I was
terrified but began to realise that all was not paranormal.  The
rubbish they fed in made me realise that psychic I was but I sure
wasn't stupid.  This was man made stuff.  I ran away and came home to
only collapse again when the attacks recommenced after a four week
break.  This time I collapsed with an extremely severe low thyroid
condition.  I was close to dead and the electronics continued.  I
understand that low thyroid is a symptom of electronic trauma.  I was
home from work for eighteen weeks in total.  My young son being home
and his brother around the corner.  I was and am divorced!

They threatened to kill my children and I was given clairvoyance that
they would grow to be adults.  My youngest son had a lot of problems
with alcohol and drugs and I was told he would be ten years till he
was himself.  It was so!  He was on the electronics program
spasmodically throughout that time.  They tried to coerce me into
worrying myself to death but I went into a type of coma that meant
that I ceased to worry about anything at all.  I knew I was going to
survive their filthy program of interference because my psychic skills
had given me the information in picture, verse, time, place and

I wrote to the United Nations and various Newspaper groups in
Australia.  At first anonymously and then using my name.  I was
transferred from an Australian base to the United States of America
and so the operators were no longer vulnerable Australian's thinking
they were testing something for the good of mankind (some of them),
they were now hardened arms manufactures, US Armed Forces, CIA and a
group of Universities in America.  (Some groups I have left out
because I am not sure).  Since then 1986 - I have carried out various
lifestyle changes to create a healthy living environment.  I played
tennis; moved to the country to live; lived with someone; lived on my
own as the greatest survivor of all.  Gave up work and then began to
work again three days a week as my health became good again.

I am still a low-thyroid sufferer and I can add menopause to my
problems the past few years.  I am now taken a HRT supplement and this
has helped the health greatly.  I try to live quietly in the country
looking after myself, my animals and my family.  I notified my family
early last year, 1996, that I was being hooked into.  They now know
that it is true.  I have found the relevant sections on the Internet
that has given so much despair at the number of people involved as
victims and also it has given me hope that with publicity, it will
lead to cessation and barring of this equipment.

I have survived because of a campaign I began over three years ago
when my son was drugged and questioned.  I began to write to the
Australian Media and Politicians again.  The Media have been fantastic
and some Politicians have shown good support.  This is an

   I am looking to publicise this situation worldwide.  I know it is
possible because my clairvoyance and auditory information told me so.
Please write to me via my Email No. emilysprings@cwi.net.au.  It is a
long way to Australia from America and Europe, as well as African
Nations, but Internet communication can reach out to people just as
effectively as their incidious weaponry can.

Regards, Keep Smiling:  Helen Duggin


Darryl Summers host of Hey!Hey!It's Saturday.  Last night he was being
psychic \ He was very clever.  I sent him a fax to that effect.  The
Show is live to Air.  He replied that a local Radio Station had called
in etc."  ABC MELBLOURNE - there is a weather man and newsreader who
talk to me with big hints/ I wrote to them and told them that the
Operators of the electronics werehitting my left shoulder all the
time.  Also that my Granddaughter had been born. They did a pantomime
of the shoulder attack and the comment was "Isn't Cassandra a lovely

Filler Text:
(on a separate page; she probably forgot to erase it)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem
nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat
volutpat. Ut wisis enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tution
ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis te feugifacilisi. Duis autem dolor in hendrerit in
vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat
nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui
blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit au gue duis dolore te feugat
nulla facilisi. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci
taion ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex en commodo
consequat. Duis te feugifacilisi.per suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip
ex en commodo consequat. Duis te feugifacilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod
tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Ut wisis enim
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tution ullamcorper suscipit
lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis te
feugifacilisi. Duis autem dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse
molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at
vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent
luptatum zzril delenit au gue duis dolore te feugat nulla
facilisi.ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem
nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat
volutpat. Ut wisis enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tution
ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis te feugifacilisi. Duis autem dolor in hendrerit in
vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat
nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui
blandit praeent luptatum zzril delenit au gue duis dolore te feugat
nulla facilisi.
 facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui
blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit au gue duis dolore te feugat
nulla facilisi. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci
taion ullamcorper suscipit lobortis niLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt
ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Ut wisis enim ad minim
veniam, quis nostrud exerci tution ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl
ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis te feugifacilisi. Duis autem
dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel
illum dolore eu feugiat nulla sl ut aliquip ex en commodo
consequat. Duis te feugifacilisi.per suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip
ex en commodo consequat. Duis te feugifacilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod
tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Ut wisis enim
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tution ullamcorper suscipit
lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis te
feugifacilisi. Duis autem dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse
molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at
vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent
luptatum zzril delenit au gue duis dolore te feugat nulla
facilisi.ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem
nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat
volutpat. Ut wisis enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tution
ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis te feugifacilisi. Duis autem dolor in hendrerit in
vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat
nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui
blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit au gue duis dolore te feugat
nulla facilisi.

Newsletter #2
File name: "Lasers.PUB"
"emilysprings" australia
June 05, 1997
Volume 1, Issue 2

>From the Preps at Seymour East :Primary School: "Go home said the
ducks.  "No" said the little pigs.  t


Tonight I heard my Prime Minister, Mr.Howard talk of a new campaign
against violence which will enable Australian's to live with more
security within their own Nation.  At the same time I am still being
attacked by the US Army and Compatriots who work with not the blessing
of the Us Government but with the blessing of Cover-up and illegal
developers of weaponry designed and used to interfere in the most
grossly dreadful ways with human beings.

So I am one of the long term ones.  Perhaps because I am in Australia.
Perhaps because the psychic woman was such a useful subject.  Useful
to the CIA for their Psychic experiments and so on for whoever wanted
data on psychics and woman of my age group.  Also because I made a few
too many predictions regarding World Peace.  It is coming with the
next forty or so years.

Or is it because they still seek the mind control weaponry to control
not the aliens from outer space or the aliens from overseas but the
aliens within their own criteria of prejudice.  So who are the enemy
that this weaponry is being developed for.  It is you and I.
Government's have backed the development and closed their eyes to the
complaints from people like myself.

 Here in Australia people stormed our Government House and before that
the Loggers picketted Parliament peacefully but scared the devil out
of the Politicians.  One lot peacefully lobbying and the other lot
violently protesting about job losses.  You in America had the LA
Riots to contend to.  So Governments decided that "It is needed that
control mechanisms be set in place to precipitate you, people of the
World being controlled where and when necessary".  Who would say that.
Someone from your own nation.  There is a soldier called Porter who
believes he is next to God with the devleopment of electronic weaponry
to control you, people.  It has not worked the control part - not on a
mass control situation.  Invidivuals like myself have been controlled
for some months - I stayed home for eighteen weeks with illness and
paranoia caused by electronic harassment, attempted murder with
electronic probes of a laser and microwave nature.  Auditory
harrassment was experienced by myself using crystal microphones to
harrass and negatively motivate myself.  I have had a fairly
significant psychology education being a teacher of Special Needs
people.  The night I was initially attacked I held a psychology book
and the message I got was "Hold onto your psychology".  This I have
tried to do.  A few slip ups but mostly I began to build my life
again.  It has been hideous and even the past week has been hideous.

The more I write the more :Porter's group attacks.  The attack today
when I was working was several ionised probes into my right eye.  I
have a left arm that has been damaged by continual electromagnetic
probing.  So now and again they throw in a contact to pain me and
possibly scare me to death.  My right leg was attacked four and five
nights/mornings ago.  Once again I have recorded the attacks and now
await the emergence of the bruising.

Recently I reported some bruising on my inner thighs to my Doctor and
then ultimately to the Police.  The night this attack happened I awoke
in agony and all I could do was lie there and wait for the pain to
subside.  When I received a letter to the effect that the bruising was
not medically based (ie blood tests ), I went to the local Police but
was refused the right to make a formal complaint because "The local
Police do not believe that it is happening".  so it continues with
rocking which is air power through electromagnetic contact.  It used
to be Infra Red contact, like animals on the ground can be contacted.
However, it was discovered that Infra Red is not fatal whereas
electromagnetic contact has an excellent chance of performing a
permanent damage situation within the victim.

I reported a while ago in one of my Newsletters to the Australia Media
that the child of a soldier had been murdered by using covert
weaponry.  This was his punishment for bucking the system.  and trying
to get some sense into this program.  Many of the Army guys are
realising that people are people and they are people.  There is a
fairly large conflict within the US Army and CIA regarding this
program of electronic weaponry development and in particular the use
of this covert weaponry to torture citizens of the US and other
Nations like Australia.

The situation is simple.  The more pressure that is put on these
people covertly and openly, the better.  The more people who know, the
better.  I will tell anyone about this but unfortunately I believe my
phone is tapped and call diversion is current.  Australian security
looking after what???  I am an awfully ordinary citizen who happens to
be quite psychic.  However, that does not remove my ordinary.  I know
who I am and I know where I belong and it is not at the end of an
electronic rope that holds me to the computer systems deep within the
Rockies in Canada and Montana in the United States.  I am a fairly
accurate psychic and so my escaping this thing has been a slight
problem in that they would love to break into this head of mine.  In
controlling my mind they can then look forward to controlling the
minds of all peoples all over the World.  Do you remember "Brave New
World",- someone in the US of A must have read it and decided they
were definitely Alpha material whereas the rest of us are omego
material.  I sort of like walking in the fresh air, watching the
leaves fall and think what I like when I like.  The simple life is my
ideal and I can't see that I am in any way a threat to Government

I have corresponded with the Government of this Nation for many years
and have not at any time indicated that I am anything other than what
I am.  A woman!  Not a revolutionary!  Not a leader of rebellions!
Not a racist!  Not a weirdo who practices satanistic stuff!  Not even
someone who wants to live a socially active life.  I am an isolate
mostly.  I breed dogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Golden
Retrievers.  I teach Deaf children at a School 78 Kms. from here and I
have three children and two daughters in laws and four grandchildren.
I also live in a beautiful environment here in the Strathbogies of
Australia.  What more could a woman want.  So what is the security
risk.  The security risk is the Actions of Governments in backing the
development of this incidious weaponry.  A weaponry which is required,
according to the UN, just in case rebellion occurs amongst the
citizens of Western Nations and weaponry which can be used against
people in other Nations who are ignorant of these electronic zappers
and probers.

 So because our Governments are determined to protect themselves
against "people" .  Not people who stand out as Agitators and
Commercial Activists but ordinary people protesting at situations
within Nations like: Hospital costs, Education cut backs, Social
Security Downgrade, Forced retirement of older people who want to work
etc. etc. etc.  So Zillions of Dollars have been spent not just on
developing this weaponry by building installations and employing
people to zap and boom people.  Perhaps the zillions of dollars could
have been spent on making these previously mentioned things more
accessible to "people".  "People" who may protest that they are being
deprived of necessary need fulfillment to live effectively.

That's all for now from me.  I still have not received any reply from
the United States or GB or Canada from my Email messages.  I am
beginning to suspect that my Email messages are being diverted.  Three
people have told me in the past two weeks that "They have not been
able to reach me by phone".  This evening I as told that one of my
students would not be here - he and his parents are in Melbourne.
They apparently tried to ring me last night and this morning.  Both
times I was home and I received not one call.  Makes one a little

Keep send ing your messages and talk!  Talk!  Talk!  I have it on very
good authority that this Internet connection becomes a Tidal Wave of
support for the dismantling and governing of this equipment.

Good luck  from Helen Duggin
Strathbogie Australia.

I interpeted this saying as that some organisations involved in this
covert weaponry are ready to ensure it is made safe for people.
Others "the little pigs' prefer to back their own theories and
continue despite organisations being not happy., One song that the
Aussie Media use quite often is Louis Armstrong's "Beautiful World".
This week I began to sing OOm Pah Pah OOm Pah Pay that's how