The following anonymous rant was posted to USENET in July, 1997.
"Hollywood Makes Me Vomit. It Insults Your Intelligence and Glorifies Vicious Behavior and Homosexuality"
From: I-ME-MINE <i@me.mine>
Newsgroups: alt.renewing.american.civilization,alt.america,alt.nuke.europe,,,alt.culture.internet,alt.culture.usenet,alt.religion.scientology,alt.rock-n-roll,alt.skinheads,alt.society.anarchy,
Subject: Hollywood Makes Me Vomit. It Insults Your Intelligence and Glorifies Vicious Behavior and Homosexuality
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 00:28:11 -0500

Firstly, let me start by saying Versace was just a homosexual seamstrees
who was murdererd by a derange fame-hungry Asian homosexual who was
being sheltered after the killing by other S&M homosexuals. That is all
you need to know about the Cunnanan case.


In 18th Century France before the dawn of the French Revolution the
nation was controlled by the aristocratic sexual role reversing dandies
of the ruling classes. These people became so detached from normal
French society and indulged in lifestyle so removed from the average
French citizen they had no idea that their decedent lifestyle was about
to be terminated in an incredible bloodbath. The average French citizen
at the time was down-trodden, poverty-stricken and had no voice in
mainstream French society.

Bring the story forward to 1997 and we will see the remarkable
similarities between the Hollywood aristocracy of today and the French
ruling classes of the 18th century. It is apparent that the Hollywood
'Dream Machine' is filled with nepotism, degenerate lifestyles, sexual
perversion and incredible substance abuse. At the same time Hollywood
mogul's preaches to the American citizenry what is moral and just and is
eager to point out the error of their ways.
Michael Eisner of Disney makes $90,000 dollars an hour.

It would be one thing if Hollywood was filled with talented people but
it is not. Just look at European cinema or British Television to see how
fantastically horrible and worthless the Hollywood product is when
compared to others. Look at the parade of no talents who reap massive
financial benefit from their lack of ability: Gerry Seinfeld, Rosanne
Barr, Meg Ryan, Whitney Houston, Ron Howard and multitude of other too
numerous to mention not just in front of the camera but at every level
of the system.

Nepotism is the main reason why these people have the jobs they have and
a sizable portion of the male performers are insatiable homosexuals
including many who have either a tough-guy or family man public image.
In a just world a Ben Stiller, Pauley Shore or Penny Marshall would be
sucking cocks in the bus station for a living if they did not have
family members to pull the strings for them. Penny Marshall is an
interesting case. Here is a woman who has spent most of her life playing
white trash types and then goes on to direct 'relationship movies'. This
woman has been a part of the hollywood royalty most of her life but gets
angry when she is not taken seriously as a director - amazing.

Apart from the above mention facts, Hollywood more than anything else is
massive propaganda machine for degenerate thinking. I am no bible nut or
right winger in fact I consider myself a socialist but when I see
dysfunctional such as Dennis Rodeman, Ru Paul and Rosanne Barr being
held up as role models it makes me when to vomit. I have no problem with
homosexuals, I just do not believe they are the 'sacred beings of light'
TV and movies tells us they are every five seconds. If one is to look at
Mel Brooks movies objectively they equally stand among the worst
propaganda films of the Third Reich. Brooks is fascinated by
African-Americas their mannerisms, speech and even sexual organs in a
very primitive way that is very disturbing. His movies are resplendent
with phrases such as; Nigger, Mick, Chink etc. and but don't worry it
all done in good fun.

Like I said I am a socialist and I am very aware of the fact that tens
of millions of people in this country live in desperate circumstances.
For many the only distraction they have is TV and they do not like what
they see. Is there any difference between "Let Them Eat Cake" and "Must
See TV" I think not.

I am constantly stunned by the amount of men and women in the United
States these days who are homosexuals. Although the official quote is
around 10% of the adult population as being Gay, I would have to say
nearly all the people I  know are homosexuals. The number of homosexuals
in the USA is far higher that any other Western nation and it is growing
at a incredible rate. American colleges in every state of his country
are churning-out millions of Gay men and Lesbians every year.

I know through my professional life a lot of people in the theater and
acting business in the US. I would have to say that about 90% of the
male actors I know are homosexual men and about 70% of the female actors
are lesbians. The nature of my work takes me to nearly every county in
Western Europe from Iceland to Germany and I deal professionally with
many actors and producers over there and I would have to say the
majority of the male and female actors in Europe are heterosexuals. At
first I thought it was because of the only "here in America we have more
freedom to express our sexual identity". This argument is basically
garbage because as anybody who has lived in western Europe knows, the
USA is the most conservative nation bar-none no mater how many lesbian
sitcoms we get. The fact is in all the west European countries
homophobia is on much lower levels that the USA as Europeans are more
sexually mature that Americans. This was brought home o me when I worked
with an American and British company who were performing the same
musical on tour. The AMerica company were all gay men with some straight
women and included all he trappings of the gay culture. The british
musical was most straight men (a few gay) and all straight women. After
the show the British performers would go to pub drink beer and hit on
the girls in the show as compared to the American crew where the men and
women socialized apart. The men going somewhere predictable gay while
the women went to dance clubs.

Look at American colleges the sheer numbers of sick young feminists
doing their best to destroy normal sexual interaction between men and
women by use of Politically Correct madness is out of control. I have a
nephew in college in New York and he is literally terrified to get
involved with a female student on his campus for fear he will be accused
of rape. Many of these young female college students within these
neo-nazi feminist mind-control cults are in-fact lesbians in waiting.

Like I said in our country we have a far greater proportion of
homosexuals than any other nation despite being; sexually primitive,
very homophonic and more conservative that anybody else. I can only
conclude that young Americans are being forced into this lifestyle by
pressures excreted upon them by the media or our lack of physical
contact between men somehow makes American males long for the forbidden
fruit. I have heard that the destruction of normal sexuality among young
Americans by the PC feminist police has driven American men into the
arms of other American men! Sounds silly, but considering that everybody
needs love and affection and if men are terrified of being charged with
rape by some female then it is possible that the alternative may become