The Null Device


1 in 10 computers in US is possessed by evil spirits. Next week: a Bible Belt computer-exorcism firm IPOs, shares go through the roof (The Register)


Now you can run Linux under Linux; some mad^H^H^Henterprising hacker has hacked the Linux kernel to run as a user process, opening consoles in Xterms and using files as block devices. (via Slashdot)


A company named Netpliance sells a flat-panel Internet terminal named the I-Opener for US$99; this device can only connect to a special (premium) Internet service. However, it's based on a cheap PC chipse. Some enterprising hacker has figured out a way of hacking it into a Linux box, adding a hard disk in the process. Or, if QNX is enough for you, you can get root on it with only a PS/2 keyboard. (via Slashdot)