The Null Device


Australian regulators force Telstra to open local loop, accelerate ADSL rollout; this could mean affordable high-speed Internet links. (APC Newswire)


Musical artists condemn Napster: (Salon)

"Artists are already at war with corporate mentality at record labels. They piss on us on a daily basis. But to add Napster's blatant music piracy to the battle is unbelievable. Three or four years ago I looked at the Internet as a viable alternative to the major label plantation system, where artists would end up owning masters at the end of your careers. But if the price you pay is to never make any money, well, that's a sad twist. And it turns out Napster's no better than the record companies. In fact they're worse, because they're offering nothing and taking everything."


Salon has an atmospheric piece about Rio's Copacabana:

Shortly after his arrival here in 1972, he found a wallet, which he handed in to the police. His friends called him "otario," which he took as a compliment. "I just thought it meant 'honest person,'" Bob tells me over lunch. "It wasn't till a couple of years later that I found out it actually meant 'stupid fucker.'"


Frenchman goes blind from protein deficiency caused by vegan diet: (BBC News)

"Vitamin supplementation is essential in persons who adhere to a strict vegetarian diet, especially because vitamin deficiencies may cause severe, irreversible optic neuropathy."