The Null Device


Interesting times: A Christian Fundamentalist group has purchased Australia's most powerful shortwave transmitter, formerly owned by Radio Australia, with the intention of aggressively evangelising at Australia's northern neighbours. Now the dominant radio voice of Howard-era Australia will be a voice of Fundamentalist Christianity. This, no doubt, won't help Australia's already strained relations with Indonesia (a country with a 90% Islamic majority). Not surprisingly, communications minister Richard "Broadcast Services Act" Alston has defended the sale. (the local murdochs)


The new-media art movement finally has a name; it is called Neen; or so says Lexicon, a product-naming consultancy hired by an artist to devise a name. Others, as you might expect, are not so sure. (WIRED News)


Why am I not surprised? Both the domains and exist, though both are "under construction". The owners are probably too busy fighting the battle against Darth Gates.