The Null Device

This afternoon, I went to Gaslight Records, where a local band named Crazy Baldheads were playing an in-store performance. Crazy Baldheads (none of whom are bald, incidentally, though I can't vouch for their sanity) are one of those genre-bending electronica acts inspired by dub, hip-hop and various other things, using a sampler, a Yamaha RM1X, a bass guitar, turntables and various acoustic trinkets. Their music is also more interesting than most electronica acts, the samples showing a weird sense of humour. (One track, for example, is titled New Secret Prophecies, and is sort of a psychoceramic found poem based on various weirdness from an issue of Fortean Times.) In any case, Crazy Baldheads (and yes, I do get the Bob Marley reference) are playing in Melbourne in September, and are well worth seeing; much more, in fact, than all the interchangeable dance/breakbeat/doof acts around these days.

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