The Null Device

As the dot-com revolution swallows up San Francisco, long-time residents get evicted to make room for SUV-driving stock-optioned yuppies and the city's character and culture are clear-felled, protestors are taking extreme measures:
25 protesters were arrested in August after they seized the offices of a dot-com company that had recently displaced a popular neighborhood dance studio. Forty police officers called in by the company staged a predawn raid to make the arrests after the protesters had occupied the site for two days.
Thrusting a notice into their faces, the 34-year-old painter matter-of-factly explained how the Internet company they work for has been snatching up property throughout the Mission District, displacing not only artists like him, but also countless nonprofits and struggling families. Now, he said, he's turning the tables. "I'm sorry, but I'm evicting you. If you wouldn't mind getting up, I'm going to occupy your space," he informed the dumbfounded dot-com pair

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