The Null Device

I have recently been compiling a mix CD of various songs I have been listening to over the past few months. In the process of trying to fit all the tracks on a 74-or-so minute disc (allowing for the 2-second gaps my old track-at-once CD recorder puts between tracks), I have written a small utility for trimming the leading and trailing silence from chunks of ripped CD audio. (It's just a quick, fairly utilitarian hack; no GUI, it's not themeable, not even a fancy autoconf script. Oh yes, it's a UNIX command-line utility, though it should compile on non-Linux unices.) If this looks useful, you can download the source from the link above. There are no RPMs or binaries or what have you (and probably never will be, unless someone else makes them). Finally, this is unsupported software; if you have an idea for some improvements, don't mail me with them.

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