The Null Device

Tanya and friends on why they hate indie kids. Quite apt, too.
All indie kids are unique. They are however looking for other indie kids who are unique in exactly the same way as them - cool, huh?
Infantilism is endemic to the indie kids. When was the last time you heard one of them use the word 'man' or 'woman'. Nope, it's always 'boys' and 'girls'. Some girls are 'cute'. Some boys are 'cute' too. The more incurable indie kids use the words 'grrrl' and - shudder - 'boi', for all the world as if they were living in a Disneyworld 1994 Experience ride or fell into a copy of Sassy once and never escaped.
When indie kids pair off with a cute grrrl or boi (all indie kids are in theory bisexual, of course. Just don't ask them to do anything about it.) they tend to treat each other like shit and then write it up on their web pages ("I am SUCH the geek"). This is because they are very sensitive, not as the casual observer might have guessed because they are emotional dwarves with no concept of human interaction outside a fanzine problem page. You become sensitive by listening to Belle And Sebastian a lot.

Oddly enough, if you took this article, replaced "indie" with "goth" and made a few minor changes, it would make just as much sense. Maybe indie kids and goths are both subtypes of a greater category of pretentious, crowd-following tossers?

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