The Null Device

I went to the Empress to see some bands tonight. First up was a guy named Other People's Children, with a Korg monosynth and some backing tracks on MiniDiscs, playing various ambient electronic pieces. Next up was PSX, a sort of jazzy semi-electronic band (whom I saw supporting Clann Zú last week); their female vocalist was absent (having come down with bronchitis), so the male vocalist took over some of her parts, and they also played a number of instrumentals. Finally, on came a band named Immaculata, and in one instant, the venue filled up with the vampyre aristocracy of Melbourne. Immaculata are a sort of slightly camp two-piece goth band, who sound as you might expect (a bit of cheesy Boxcaresque synthpop, a few Depeche Mode-inspired dirges with kickass beats, some industrial thrashcore guitars, some melodramatic music-hall-style singing from the bloke in the ruffled shirt and studded leather jacket, and a song about gunning down jocks and preppies in high school (or something to that effect); though Andrew Eldritch-style baritone vocals were conspicuous by their absence). Anyway, I got the feeling that they were taking the piss; especially after they did a cover of Divine's You Think You're A Man. Quite appropriate; I think someone should do a Goth Tribute To Stock/Aitken/Waterman (unless Cleopatra have already released one of those, with the typical contributions from Leaetherstrip and various aging synthpopsters).

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