The Null Device

A Napster clone in Sealand, out of reach of copyright law. Or so a Canadian student plans, if he can get the money somehow. Mind you, if this happens, there will be a lot of pressure on governments to crack down on the rogue state. If this comes to pass, expect to see Sealand bombed by the RAF/USAF (or even one of those South African low-intensity conflict consultancies, Rainbow Warrior-style). The press will be fed a line about a strike against a child pornography ring or somesuch (it's not like anyone will go through the debris and prove otherwise). If you doubt that that's realistic, with Sealand being a sovereign state and all, how much international condemnation, in the court of public opinion, do you suppose such an attack could gather? (The stories you see every day in Unknown News are no less outrageous.)

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