The Null Device

Think different: Those champions of creative freedom, Apple, are revisiting the golden age of look-and-feel lawsuits, this time pushing to suppress an open-source MacOS theme editor. Their rationale is that it allows users to create knockoffs of the MacOS X Aqua theme and other proprietary themes. And, presumably, "because we can". Though the latter part may be dubious; the developers of the theme editor claim to not have used any Apple code, and the theme format (just a file with a bunch of resources) is not copy-protected or encrypted in any illegal-to-reverse-engineer way, having been devised before the DMCA and its ilk. (Next time, Apple may well encrypt such file formats by xoring them with "TopSecret" or something; it'll be piss-easy to crack, but doing so will nonetheless be enough of a crime to get software pulled.)

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