The Null Device

I just came back from the Isosceles Film Night at the Glow Bar; it was quite interesting; this time, the films weren't drowned out by the chattering of trendy idiots, as they were on the first one (when a bunch of tossers with expensive haircuts showed up, not invited by the organisers). They had some interestingly odd films. There was a cheerfully morbid documentary about vampirism in nature, in which surrealist Jean Painleve introduced a live guinea pig to a vampire bat (the guinea pig, twice the size of the bat, just stood there as the bat licked its face and proceeded to suck out its blood); Thanksgiving, a stop-motion animation with a creature made from an uncooked turkey carcass, its body cavity a gaping maw, dragging itself around a house by the drumsticks, and The Fly, a meticulous Hungarian animation from the point of view of a housefly; the sort of thing that seems all the more impressive when you recall that it was done without computers; not to mention a Winsor McCay classic from 1914 and an amusing Tex Avery animation which opened the bracket.

I was also surprised to discover that I went to school with one of the people running the film night; he's now a landscape architect and runs film nights on the side.

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