The Null Device

A video of a kitten being killed and stir-fried has caused outrage on the Internet, with animal-rights nazis PETA threatening to sue the Stile Project, who hosted it, into oblivion. Which is much more of a response than similar videos of humans being killed have received.
Grabowicz said depictions of animal cruelty always draw more criticism than depictions of human cruelty, because, like children, animals are innocent and defenseless. "What's ironic is the further away from humans the animal is, the less sympathy you feel," he said. "But when you get to humans, it drops off again."

The video is believed to have originated in Korea, where cats are considered to be a delicacy.

Speaking of cats, a piece in the Herald-Scum today said that cat ownership in Australia is in steep decline, with responsible Australians switching to the more environmentally-friendly dogs. This will undoubtedly delight the lunatic-fringe greenies who believe that cats are vermin that should be eradicated from the Australian continent.

As for me, if I was to keep anything, it would probably be a cat. And no, I don't vote for One Nation.

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