The Null Device

Looks like Microsoft and the US Department of Justice are close to agreement on which wrist is to be slapped. Not surprisingly, Microsoft look set to get away with doing what it has been doing all the time, with a few minor concessions where they won't inconvenience them too much. After all, the Bush DOJ wouldn't want to be ungrateful to major campaign donors un-American and unpatriotic, would they?

(Btw, has anyone else a major doctrine shift between the initial Microsoft antitrust suit and now? Back then, an OS monopoly was seen as anticompetitive, inefficient and destructive. Now, with things like the SSSCA and secure media, and the content industry's input, an OS monopoly is seen as the best guarantee of security against copyright terrorism, and to be encouraged if not mandated. After all, if anyone can hack the kernel on their computer, you cannot have a secure audio path, can you?)

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