The Null Device

The local street murdoch, MX, has reported that the tent city set up by leftist peace activists outside the State Library is folding, not because the police threatened to "bust a S11 on their dreadlocked asses" or whatever the parlance is, but because they've been inundated with freeloading backpackers, homeless drug addicts and the mentally ill looking for places to stay. Now this could be a typical Murdoch dig at those leftist rabble ("cut your hair and start watching Foxtel, you bums!"), much like premature reports of abysmal attendances at protests seen in MX. Anyway, it makes one wonder why they didn't just ask attendees questions, like "who was Che, and why was he such a cool guy?", or "name any of the members of Rage Against The Machine".

There are 2 comments on "":

Posted by: Alex 4.0 http:// Fri Nov 2 21:10:18 2001

Is MX a newspaper? Then where are all the journalists? It reads like it's been cobbled together from AAP, Reuters and Ananova feeds, and is probably laid out in Calcutta for all we know. MX, the newspaper that fills railway litter bins every night. Do yourself and the environment a favour and leave it in the box.

Posted by: acb Sat Nov 3 12:01:06 2001

Actually, the Calcutta hypothesis makes sense; it could be that MX is primarily intended as a test for replacing traditional newspaper creation with some centralised, globalised model (such as shipping it off to third-world sweatshops).

Makes you wonder whether the "Girl/Stud About Town" columns are written by a professional hack writer in India who has gotten their knowledge of Australian culture from extensively watching Neighbours and The Castle.