The Null Device

Business plan idea of the day: cybersquatting domains named nuke(name-of-country).com, for each country the United States may conceivably go to war against (i.e.,,,, with a view to selling flag-covered, sweatshop-made crap to jingoistic rednecks in the event of hostilities.

There are 3 comments on "":

Posted by: alex http:// Wed Nov 7 15:56:41 2001

search for "B61-11" at and, an american science watchdog. They have nukes ready to go, nukes that can be dropped from anything from a B2 to an F16. The fun part is, whenever the (US) media ask Pentagon staff or SecState or SecDef, they all dodge the question. So it's pretty safe to presume they're using them. Just like everything else they deny to the media, 20 years later, if they remember to ask again, they'll say "oh, yes, we were." And napalm wasn't used to kill people, it was an, uh, 'defoliant'. Lucky for Johnnie, two-headed refugees are easier to knock back than the usual flavour...

Posted by: Alex http:// Thu Nov 14 15:10:58 2002

I need the domain for a school project. Do you want to sell it, or would your forward it to my site for a webdesign school project? Thanks

Posted by: acb Fri Nov 15 13:32:23 2002

For one, I don't own any of those domains. Some shrewd businessperson probably registered them ages ago, and with the way things are going, if they're for sale, they probably wouldn't come cheap.