The Null Device

I just heard an interesting cover of The Smiths' Last Night I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me on 3RRR. (Male vocals, double bass, strings, and fittingly moody and downtempo.) It turned out to be by Low. Hmmm; I may have to get it.

The Set Fire To Flames track they played afterwards wasn't too bad either (they're a Godspeed You Black Emperor side-project or somesuch).

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Posted by: Luke Wed Nov 7 19:01:58 2001

Set Fire To Flames are similar to GYBE inasmuch as they're a Canuck musical collective. I got the disc last week; lovely packaging, but so far, it's not making much impact. Seems to lack the idea of destination that's prevalent in GYBE and A Silver Mt Zion's stuff, which is a shame, as it sounded so good in theory.

Lovely packaging, though.