The Null Device

Has anybody else noticed that the music in Björk's Heirloom (off Vespertine; the track where she goes on about her recurring dreams) is identical to Console's Crabcraft (on the Sadness Is In The Sky #15 CD)?

There are 2 comments on "":

Posted by: lisa http:// Fri Nov 9 21:32:34 2001

how attentive you are!

from : 10. Heirloom: Written & produced by Björk and Martin Console. The music is based on Console's song Crabcraft which can be found in his album "Rocket in the Pocket" that came out in March 2001.

Posted by: acb Sun Nov 11 22:48:04 2001

<bJORK> Console you are cute and nice would you like to make moosic together, and maybe cuddle aftar?