The Null Device

How was my weekend, you ask? Well, for one thing it was short, given that I spent all of Saturday at work (really onerous deadlines and everything; still, that's the price one pays for having more time slack during the rest of the year). So my weekend was basically Sunday.

What did I do? Well, I slept, ran a few errands, went to the laundrette, and tidied up the disks on my Linux box a bit. Not much creative or exciting. Oh, and I made myself Afghani Chicken Enduring Freedom Chicken for dinner.

It also looks like I'm coming down with a slight case of existential angst again. (And I thought I left it behind forever; you'd think it'd be something like glandular fever, which only troubles you in adolescence, but no.) Reading about the absurdly premature death of Charlotte Coleman probably brought it to a head, as if underscoring the capriciousness and ultimate meaninglessness of fate and the universe, and the fleetingness of everything.

Urk. Stop me before I start listening to Depeche Mode again.

There are 4 comments on "":

Posted by: Colin Sun Nov 18 17:06:17 2001

It could be worse, you could start listening to Morrisey.

Posted by: Harmony Sun Nov 18 23:43:22 2001

Hehe. Enduring Freedom Chicken. Very cool :). Hope you're feeling less angsty soon.

Posted by: acb Mon Nov 19 06:00:22 2001

No, Morrissey is music for being lonely and unloved and sitting alone in your bedsit moping; it doesn't really cover the existential angle.

Radiohead, meanwhile, is less personal and more about the state of the world.

There you have it; a taxonomy of angst-related music.

Posted by: acb Mon Nov 19 06:02:20 2001

Meanwhile, recent Cure (anything from the mid-90s or so onwards) is angst music about growing old and no longer feeling the angst of youth.