The Null Device

An interesting history of freemasonry in America, from intrigues and bizarre offshoots in centuries past to its present-day decline:
What changes would appeal to Generation Xers? I ask. ... "We could have piercings for each degree," he says. "By the time you get to be a 33rd-degree Mason, you'd have so much metal you couldn't get into an airport." He smiles. "And of course the 33rd-degree piercing would have to be a very private piercing," he says. "Only 33rd-degree Masons would know where that piercing occurs."

There are 2 comments on "":

Posted by: kenny http:// Tue Nov 27 17:49:05 2001

hey cool, i think i'll join :) i'd like to get in a secret war with the scientologists!

Posted by: alex Wed Nov 28 02:06:02 2001

You want a secret war with the S*ists? Just spraypaint '' on the footpath outside their nearest church/bookstore/fleecing station and see how quicly they come running with bayonets fixed. I got your war right here.

Personally, I'm waiting for the Masons to rebuild the Temple of Solomon. Watch them ay-rabs dance then!