The Null Device

This Sunday was the Walk for Capitalism, a mass protest in defense of the global capitalist economic system against the dreadlocked menace who wish to rob us of our Big Macs and Nikes and herd us into Soviet-style collective farms. Well, not exactly a mass protest; in Auckland, only 25 people showed up. The protesters recited quotes from Ayn Rand and "tied blue ribbons to Starbucks cafes as a gesture of thanks"; thanks for what, for the mediocre coffee?

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Posted by: sethg Tue Dec 4 17:40:24 2001

A <a href="">column in today's New York Times</a> covered the NYC version of the march. Sixty people showed up. Six of them, the largest contingent there, were lefties from Vassar who came to infiltrate the march, carrying signs like "Profits Before People". The true Randroids there, oblivious as always to sarcasm, didn't realize they'd been infiltrated.