The Null Device

I went to the Empress this evening to see some musicians play, and the music was very good indeed. First up, a chap named Richard Andrew did a set, playing guitar and singing some nice minor-key numbers (of which I caught the last 2, noticing that he used an unusual tuning for one). Then Seth Rees played, doing a set of vaguely shoegazey ambient guitar pieces, and entrancing the audience. (The pieces are hard to describe in words, but one of them was vaguely reminiscent of that interlude on Swirl's The Last Unicorn). (A word of advice: Seth Rees is well worth seeing live.) Finally, Jesse Jackson Shepherd from Sir went on, and played some rather melancholy songs (on piano, with quietish, understated vocals; the overall effect is something that would sit nicely next to A Silver Mt. Zion or Departure Lounge or somesuch).

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