The Null Device

Here comes the DVD version of the Bin Laden "smoking-gun" tape, with more features and never-seen-before extra footage.
"There's only one place bin Laden could have gotten such advanced postproduction technology, and that's Iraq," said former CIA Director James Woolsey. "This is all the evidence we need to level Baghdad."

There are 1 comments on "":

Posted by: Raven Sat Dec 22 02:11:32 2001

You've got a fairly dry sense of humour, so I'm not always sure if you are joking or not. But just to be sure; do you realize that the same author on Salon has also posted a joke diary for bin Laden (about as not-funny as this was)? The article you've referenced is written in such a serious manner (and because it never made me laugh) that it took me a good while to start looking for evidence that it was a joke. Trying to reconcile traditional reality and the existance of this DVD was just too weird...