The Null Device

More on semiopathy:
Advertisers seem particularly keen on getting the wrong message across. What proud parent would want to buy Boots' "Extra Thick Baby Wipes" for their little Einstein? And who would stop at the farm near Edinburgh announcing "Burning logs and peat for sale", unless they were really fed up with their car interior? And Janis Cortese was tickled by a spam e-mail promising that she could "attract men with larger breasts". However, she tells us she would generally prefer to attract men who have no discernible breasts of any kind.

There are 1 comments on "":

Posted by: L59r http:// Sat Mar 23 06:23:31 2002

How do you feel when you go to the "Family Butcher"? Do you wonder what type of meat they sell there? Where I grew up, there was such a butcher and I still dislike eating meat...